An update – and sorry about the spam!
Hello lovely people –
Thank you to so many of you who reached out to let me know my blog had been hacked. No, it was not me who wrote about football and other odd things! I have changed the password, and hopefully you wont get other strange emails from this blog!
My talented friends, Luis & Dur, had made an updated version of my blog years ago, and I never made the final changes to make it live – so perhaps this is a reminder to get that in motion.
Since I am writing anyway, I probably owe a little update! It turns out, life is very busy with a little human in it! Our son recently turned one, and the last year seems like both a blur and a century. He has amazing energy, and is certainly the focus of all of my most recent lessons learned.
In other not so recent news, I did a TEDx talk on moving from the focus on social entrepreneurship to the leadership skills required for systems change (as we certainly need a lot of systems changed right now!). I realize I never posted it here – so here it is:
About a year earlier, I gave a talk on Tackling Heropreneurship at the DO Lectures in Wales, and the video from that was only recently released, so here that is too:
Some of my more recent work – and the Impact Gaps Canvas tool I designed are noted or downloadable here:
So, that’s it from me! Sorry again about the spam! I’m not sure if blogging will be on my radar too much in the near future…. but you never know! All the best – Daniela