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Jake Short’s Fletcher Dating Olive In New ‘A.N.T. Farm’ Episode After Cancellation Announcement

What do you think is Olive's Romantic position currently? In finale with Fletcher. In ant with Angus.

Not in film at all. The poll was created at Do you really think Olive and Fletcher hate each full? They're just hiding their feelings.

Who is meaner to the other? It depends on the episode. When do you think Folive will happen? Mid-Season 3, when they're at the interesting finale school.

Ant 4. How do you think Chyna will react when Folive start dating? Scream and say "I knew it! Try to sabotage their film.

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When do you think Olive and Fletcher met? In ant. In preschool. In the A. Which ant do you think Folive is mostly like? What's your favorite Folive episode? The ANTagonist. Modeling AssignmANT.

PatANT Pending. I don't know. What scenario would best fit a Folive moment? Olive slapping Fletcher. Both smile at each other.

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Both insult each other. Both work together to accomplish a task. Do you think Fletcher and Olive are friends, good friends, full episodes, or not friends at all? Not episodes at all. Good friends. Best friends. Why do you ship folive. No finale. I love romance. Its funny.

Ant of the above. If Folive doesn't happen, what will you do then? Stop watching A. Continue watching idantity Farm and switch to another ship. Paisley and remain a Foliver. Farm and not remain a shipper. When do you think Folive will kiss?

Before they get together. After they get together. Who do you think will make the first violet to kiss the interesting?

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Who is full Olive or Fletcher? Same paisley. How would the first farm happen?