2020 ~ 0 Comments

We Were Not Dating


Even though we're not dating your still mine

One of my favorite quotes is by Maya Angelou and I come you know it: Simple but pivotal. If the guy you are dating keeps telling you how much he misses you but never feels time to meet, something is off. So trust your intuition and pray for revelation to make sure that you are not misled. By doing so you will be able to tell whether his actions align with his words and if you should remain in the relationship. In your head, it takes place still least once a week, but in reality, it takes weeks until it actually happens. You try to introduce the topic spontaneously and act super laid back doing so.

But on a more practical note that should be the moment when you take a mental note - go here Issa Red Flag! Luckily scripture is clear on the fact for a man should be able to lead you, happening he needs to have a vision of where the relationship will go. Ohh I hate when that happens. The first 3 months he quotes you like a princess. He feels you out to your favorite restaurants, quotes you at 8am just to say good morning and listens to your favorite celebrity stories. Pure bliss! Out of the blue everything changes.

He only quotes you when you ask him to and every time you mention a mine name he rolls his eyes. Deep down you know that something feels wrong, but you brush it off and tell yourself that it is normal. And it is your job to determine what type of relationship you want. Do you want to be for a healthy relationship or are these signs of a toxic relationship. God will allow a man to show you his real self so that the two for you can connect on an authentic level.

Even if it means that you might feel lonely. Instead, thank God for ending things early so that you only cry for two weeks instead of two months. God knows you better than you do and will match you for the man that is best for you. You might think that this is a little harsh and selfish, but I assure you it feels not. A Dealbreaker is a factor or issue, that you cannot overlook and ultimately outweighs any other qualities the other person may have. Meaning that a dealbreaker is a quality that will irritate you in the long run anyways. It might be the way they treat their family members, the way they take care of their own health or something else that is important to you. Try to find peace and contentment besides the situation, by rejoicing in your current single season. Now, ladies, this is a big one, so listen clearly!

He quotes calling and texting or goes off the radio for days. I know it hurts, especially if things were fine just a week ago. However, God is a God of action but protection. This also means that this is not an invitation to blow up his phone and convince him to change. Instead, strive to maintain a balance between your actions and your faith in God. Because at the end of the day God will do what is right in his sight. And you need to trust in God and believe that whatever happened, is good for you.

Related post: For discernment so that you are able to tell the difference for behavior early on. For wisdom to know what to do and what to say. And lastly for the courage to execute what God has put on your heart even if it hurts. This happening help you to draw closer though God and focus all your attention on Him. Good advice! And most of all draw near to God through fasting and prayer to discern what He is leading. Justine? what if God told him I was the one 2 years ago during mine apart, now he feels a break for 6 months with zero commitment and obligations? Our break or break up follows a week whereby I was depressed and not myself.

Still he quotes towards me with indifference. But I am turning to God. The ironic part is, he is a baptised member for the church, I am yet to be baptised but am working towards it. Any advice you can give I would be forever thankful for x. It sound so like this man might not really be the right one to me. And he will also recognize that Jesus is the ultimate lover and carer! Awesome post! We can happening more heart break with counsel and intuition from the Holy Spirit like you said. This may sound crazy, but I decided to post this because this feels not an issue with just young women. I was 23 when I married my 1st and only husband. From the beginning after we married , he was just very passive. I just did not want to make decisions for anything. I found out through his sister that he had been married twice before me, but did not even instigate a relationship with his twin daughters. I felt he loved me to a certain degree, but he showed no leadership in our family about taking care of our childrena future.

Since our divorce that took three years, his sisters and nieces came to the house and divided our things included everything that belonged to our children and he delivered for the city where we were living. That was 22 years ago. Now our children are married and have their own families.

My parents have passed away, and our family has dwindled down to just me? .. I did date several times after our marriage, but each with a new set for red flags. I have never been so lonely in my life? .. I often find eachother crying myself to sleep. At this point in time, the lyrics outnumber the men about to one.

I know in my heart for hearts that God has someone for eachother. It may not be someone to marry, but I do want to have a friend of the opposite sex to have as a companion and vice though. So I stay on my knees to Him, and allow myself the patience to clearly see that companion when he feels our paths to cross. A relationship with God is beautiful make God your all he will make you his confidant.

I am so stubborn. Not just romantic relationships but friendships and business deals are affected by this too. Check the actions not just the words. Absolutely agree! Such a great post!

I know this because of experience, yet I need to be constantly reminded. Thanks for this! These truths are so true, and thank you for sharing so honestly! These are all good things to keep in mind for single girls like me, too.

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