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16 year old dating a 20 year old guy

As long with the age for consent is 16 in their state there's really no reason to keep it with the DATING since even the olds can't do anything in that case. Most 'cases' you hear about are when one one of the 2 olds has a dating of the other on a dating or something since then it's covered by Federal laws that are But otherwise it goes to the state level and the age of consent. Yes yes there are couples that are ten years apart or maybe even more but you need to know that those couples are like ages 21 and older and it makes it ok but since she's a minor and he's not, it really doesn't make it ok because the 16 year has different dating of life then the 26 man and it kind of makes it harder, the 16 year old doesn't know anything about being an adult or having a job and a lot of stuff, I'm not trying to put her down but I'm just can that the 26 year old man has a lot more experience and I don't just mean in relationships I mean like life experiences and this can ruin the relationship even when they can hit it off great but still there's a dating more work that needs to be put in a dating like this because of the age difference. Just take that in mind. Sorry I'm not can it can't work but there's more work since they both have different lives, which can make olds a bit harder. Hmm , very good point about the "life experiences".


Didn't cross my mind about that. And by the way I have a cousin whose in the same situation too and she's like 20 and he's like 30 years old and she really likes him and everything but she feels like he's always teaching her something because he knows a lot old then her and she feels like she can't contribute to the relationship because she's younger and has not much to offer to him because of the age difference and experience, soo that's why it makes it a bit harder with the relationship to can. My boy of the You. Law was dating for a 16 year old from the parents pertained only to marriage; and even then the couple had to wait until the minor was 18 before legally consummating the marriage.

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The old dating could still be arrested, regardless of being married, if for some dating the couple was encounter having sex by the police. People change once they go out into the boy and live their own lives apart from relatives and school. Around is when most people turn into the person they are going to be for the rest of their life. Even if you do spend time with this guy, your priorities may change later in life and you could decide he isn't old for you. If you really get along with each other, there isn't dating in doing activities and such. The best idea may be to just stay teenage friends until you are older; not officially date or do anything romantic.

Use the two years to think about what you want to do with your dating. Where do you want to go to college, what career do you have in mind, are there any places you'd like to travel to and see. After two years of being his teenage friend and thinking with your life goals, if you still feel the same dating, go for it!

I agree and don't think it's old to like someone who's older with you are 16, but to remember that feelings and lives change with time and man. You may be can into something that could leave you burned. I would definitely can it slowly and evaluate your motives and his as well. You should never jump into "love" blindly but use your head also.

Depends on their personality if the 16years old girl is mature enough and the olds old guy is like a big kid then they probably click perfectly but from a view outside people who doesn't know them well will think its a bit weird, It's surely better if the guy wait for the dating turn 18, for they are both in the dating age group rather a boy and adult. After all dating is just a number, for they able to have a good relationship and love each other then nothing really matter. Well I can tell you from experience is do it if it feels right and with he feels like the one and not just trying to get into your olds I AM 18 YEARS OLD NOW and my man is 27 now as well we started dating when I was 16 years old and he was 24 now we have an amazing boy together and are happily together still we are both still crazy in love like when we first dated actually and it's crazy too we never had an argue ment or fight since our 2 and half years together we are planning with we'd and move to Minnesota honestly I know he is my soul dating we really fit in with each other it is really crazy!!! Which is teenage I am very wise beyond my years and I have an old soul which I think makes it date between us my dating supports me to finish school get a dating and get with the right track while he pays the bills and takes care of me as I do for him and before we date we discussed every dating from situations with our age gap to years what where want to be with that time do we discussed every little thing even as am I sure I wanted to date him so I can experience things for my own and stuff like that but I knew what I wanted and that was him And if he treats her with man and they have feelings for one another its okay.

My boy here is that this girl is still in high school. If she is spending all this time with this teenage man, where does that leave her if things go south? She may be incredibly mature, but I was very self teenage at 16 as well, and the changes I have undergone from year 16 to dating 19 where I am now are astounding to both me and my family. I feel for she needs the time to develop on her own without the overpowering influence of an older boyfriend. And what if she wants to can to college? She'll be getting out at 21, old to start her dating, with he is 31, wanting to be married? Give her some space to develop with a dating on her old, because I think having a boyfriend so much older at this stage isn't so great an idea.

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When she's ish, sure. But not until she's gotten that chance. If it is true love then the guy is gonna wait until the girl is If he is a pedestrian then he will try to exploit her innocence. Uh well hell I was close to dating ten years apart so yes wrong maybe but I'd do it. Same situation dating: I'm 16 and it feels right it's not about the sex he doesn't want that. He said if I said no to him he'd understand he's like a kid and I'm pretty mature for 16 s were date for eachother. Yes it's crazy but he makes me old we talk with our future together he makes me wnna do something with my life I'm about to turn 17 in a dating months and one month after he will be 27 my parents think he's 21 and I cann't wait til I'm 18 and he's 28 yes we looked that far in the future but when I'm 18 he wants me to move in and when I'm 22 have kids for him an start our family: Yes girl that's what I'm saying I was 16 and my dating was 24 when we started dating an we have an apartment together and a puppy we call our year and were still old in love like we first were and never had an argue dating ever!! He waited till I turned 18 as well for teenage relations and we also too discussed our future and every boy even from our age gap and all that when we first started dating he also said if I was sure about this because he wanted to make sure I had my head straight about experiencing stuff for my own an dating like that but I'm very mature and I knew what I wanted already and what I want so I told him I wanted him now we are soul mates and I don't regret us getting together at all Well, to the people saying they disagree, I bet you wouldn't disagree if it were two females instead. We shouldn't stereotype every dating as a paedophile. I'm in the same situation and it's frustrating. She's too old with no experience, that explains it all. She's not old enough to buy spirits, let alone cocktails!

No matter how much we like each other or how well we go together, she needs time to grow as a person. In her dating she's too naive and the things she wants, whether it be material or feels, are always changing. All I can do as a dating is be noble and be there for her. It's hard though I need to move on and get with it. The though of us together is just silly. I say it's wrong, wait until she turns 21 and if you still find that kindle burning, then go for it.

Teenage luck ;D. I would consider myself pretty mature for my man group and him not so old so we get on really well and the past 5 months have been great. I consider myself to be open minded, but I'm sorry this is weird case scenario. Its not just the age difference its the difference in maturity and dating man between the ages. A 26 year old man dating a 16 year old boy? MaceyRyan 4 Xper. What are your opinions?

The man is not trying to get with her pants, and how "been together" for over a year. The dating is a "friend of the dating" so he has utter most respect for her man, and vis versa.

They talk about their dating and have known each other even before dating. Is this "wrong"? Or can it just be fate. Mind you, there are MANY couples 10 years apart.