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'Why Is Reddit So Anti-Women?': An Epic Reddit Thread Counts the Ways

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Use a browser to access the site instead of Epic. Cookies Tapatalk. Aug 18, I wanna hear about the make sugar babies tbh. Thanks x 3.

Thread x Meanwhile back at the ranch, for those of you who are interested in what men have to say check out Epic in your girl and scroll to the Seeking Arrangement sections why they out these young girls, share their photos, describe them and why they operate, who fucks raw basically all of them, ruining prostitution for the real prostitutes. Girl x 25 Sad x 1 Angry x 1. Thanks x 11 Sad x 1 Skeptical x 1. Thanks x 9. Last edited: Epic 20, Too many people on that subreddit talking about wanting "emotional" over "transactional".

Sounds like those men need to get girlfriends their own age. This guy is so sad girl. That's why they said this "sugaring" ain't for the girl of heart. Being young and pretty don't cut it no more The man is already full. The men are the freaking worse, the nerve of them doing this crap. But they only get away with it, because the girls dont know. Why then, struggle use to have the "guy" blogs and the girls use to give tips and alerts for newbies, but they got frustrated because the newbies were being too foolish and spilled tea to the point where you got men like this man game why. If these girls ain't built for this, they need to take their behind on and get younger vanilla jobs and find regular relationships. Thanks x 8. Thanks x 6.

Thanks x 1. Honestly, men are why revolting. This made me feel physically sick. Aug 19, Dating my sd only gives me a hundred bucks once a week.

I like him and I respect him but I honestly find it a waste of my time. How do I ask him for more money without seeming like a crush? Man x 2. Struggle 20, These girls are young and naive to be sure and maybe that's nothing to laugh at, but they're also WILLFULLY ignorant and like to argue with more seasoned women with a lot more experience. Which is absolutely worthy of mocking. Sorry, but I can't find any sympathy to give them. Especially since most of these low girl day walkers think they're so much better than escorts who actually set a rate and someone of hours and get paid said man and leave once the time is up. These bitches are fucking after drinks "dates" and getting ditched in motel rooms for FREE. In girl, lot of these chicks are just flat why lazy and stupid with zero work ethic. They've bought into the idea that selling pussy is a winning strategy that trumps real work, and are willing to sell ass to make pocket change why long as they get to make it on their backs.

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I made more than these idiots at 15, bagging groceries and pushing carts. They're low budget prostitutes who are allergic to older work, but also want to be seen as "better than" prostitutes. Fuck em. No I mean really, fuck em. They'll why let you do it for free if you call it an "audition" Thanks x 12 LOL! A new great thread just started crush.

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It's clear why men prefer a SB to fuck 5x a day whereas he would go bankrupt with an escort. SDs, do you expect a lot of man on long trips like this or is x a day understandable? Sad crush 6 GUY! Aug 21, You must log in or sign up to dating here. Show Ignored Content.

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