Hibernate with us!
Happy New Year!
I wanted to share my New Years resolution with you, and invite you to join me, if you are interested!
As a 2014 resolution, I’m committing to taking at least one 24 hour E-fast per week. That means, that at least once per week I will take 24 hours completely off of email.
Now, for some of you, that might not seem like a lot of time, and high fives to you for already having a responsible email diet! For others, like me, who are on their email all the time, via their phone, or other devices, getting back to work emails every hour for about 17 hours a day, then perhaps you too will join me.
My friend Ben describes why he too is committing to 24 hour E-fasts each week this year in this blog, and has done so more eloquently than I could, so read up!
Join us as we Hibernate from email each week: http://www.hibernate.cc