Recap of TEDxPhnomPenh
About a year ago, I went to TEDx in Bangkok with my friend and co-worker, Rithy, and immediately afterwards we decided that we wanted to organize at TEDx event in Cambodia. One year later, with a team of 7 other fabulous people, we helped bring TEDx to Phnom Penh for the first time.
Our goals had been to be part of a movement to bring idea sharing type events to Cambodia but mostly to connect with young Khmer students and leaders. Rithy started a group called Khmer Young Entrepreneurs (KYE) and they are going to organize Khmer Talks, an idea sharing forum by young Khmer leaders, for young Khmer leaders. I can’t wait to see it happen!
Rather than give you all a breakdown of the TEDxPhnomPenh day, I’m just going to link you to a post by one of the attendees, Leigh, as she did a better job describing the day than I could do anyway! Read up, and enjoy!