19 July 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Help us out!

Thank you for being a part of the PEPY Cause! Only 5 years ago PEPY hadn’t even been named yet, and now we are one of 10 finalists in a 600+ entry contest by Nat Geo/Ashoka thanks to the lives our small group has helped to change and the over $1 million dollars y’all have helped to raise. WOW.

We need the help from ALL those of you in our little tribe to gain more exposure for PEPY by winning this contest. You can help support PEPY by giving us a few minutes of your time today, and that will make us smile, support education in rural Cambodia, and get you good karma points to cash in later :-) All you need to do are steps 1-3 (the rest are extra karma bonus points!)

1) go to http://geotourism.changemakers.com/en-us/node/16599/vote

2) click “login or register to vote” in the middle of the page above the list of finalists

3) vote for THREE finalists (we hope one of them is PEPY!). They will not register your vote unless you vote for three finalists

Done! If you get this far, THANK YOU! We really appreciate your vote! If you have 3 more minutes to spare, you could also;

4) Donate your status to us! Put the voting link up on your status and tell your friends to choose PEPY! http://geotourism.changemakers.com/en-us/node/16599/vote

5) join and invite your facebook friends to the PEPY Cause on Facebook. Once you are in the cause page, click “invite” in the upper left or the “Go to your action center” on the right (funny command ;-))

6) email this voting how-to to some friends. Explain that you support PEPY, that you believe in our work, that PEPY is small and we need their votes. Tell them they will not only get good karma points and virtual hugs too but they will be helping to bring more support to education programs in rural Cambodia and promote responsible educational tourism as well! A lot of good things to come out of a few web clicks!

Wow! Did you really get this far?! Have you done all of these things? You are a superstar and the PEPY team is sending you a lifetime supply of PEPY points (redeemable in our school classes for books, so get ready to read!) Here’s a final thing you can do to help out, and if anyone makes it all the way to number seven, we will write you your own personal limerick and email it to you. No, really. We will. Let us know if you skipped straight to number 7 though 😉

7) once you have voted and you are still logged in, if you feel like commenting about PEPY so that others can see why they should vote for us too – that would be great! You can do so here: http://geotourism.changemakers.com/en-us/node/21932

Thank you, friends! We are grateful for your support and so happy to know that a small committed group of people really can change the world :-)

Thank you!